So, I bought my second mask - Dead Lee (Mask, make-up and image by Scream Team), which came after Mortis.
The first application (Jinx) taught me as much as anyone doing anything for the first time, and knowing what to expect, and after much, much more focused learning, I decided to not follow the exact template, and for Halloween, chose to make the Dead Lee mask... Nosferatu!
Very pleased with the final blending and shading, as well as the addition of a first-time bald cap, equally blended! Could have used more time on the neck and hands, but there was much drinking and merriment to be done! :p
I bought the coat from a Halloween store, it was part of a much larger and quite cheap looking Nosferatu outfit, but with a bit of pinning on the back, got it to sit trim to my figure for most of the night.
Below is gentleman Nosferatu and Jazz Hands Nosferatu, just before we headed out.
Nosferatu in situ, the Edison Downtown, LA. Shows the colour, and the bright red glare of Nosferatu's eyes. As mentioned previously, the hands were sadly neglected, a mistake I'm not likely to repeat!